Pinnacle Outsource Solutions has a reputation of service excellence. We treat each client, project and contract in its individuality with the utmost respect, focusing on exceptional service levels, high performance in projects and productivity. We deliver on our promises through a focused and targeted approach. We have been a long-standing preferred service supplier to several of South Africa’s leading brands and industries. We are financially stable and are legally compliant in terms of all legal requirements.
We have a footprint across industries with expert skills from various disciplines. Our management team and business consultants have extensive knowledge and expertise. Our support staff and management team are highly skilled, experienced and can provide and maintain the excellent service levels we are known for. The foundation to our success also stems from our ability to deploy skills, staff and start projects in a short timeframe. We have national branches that enable us to provide service on a national level. As far as possible, we aim to recruit from local communities in the area of our operations.